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degan insurance In Indianapolis

​Degan Insurance is here to help you protect your biggest investment: your home.  Security is why you call it home so let's make sure you have your home properly covered.  Home should always mean peace of mind, but what about storms, accidents and surprise liabilities?  You can't trust that nature - or other people - won't crash in on you.Using the latest tools of the industry I will provide you with a property value assessment of you home, other buildings on your property (outbuildings), the contents of your home and the Liability protection that you need to be properly covered.  All of these are a factor when you are looking for the right coverage and the right agent that will represent you if the time comes.  My first-hand knowledge of the right coverage can craft for you the policies you need so you're ready for the worst, without worrying if you are covered.

Optional protection may need to be considered like Additional Replacement Cost Coverage, Replacement Costs Contents Coverage or Identity Theft Protection.  I can help you sort through, provide the best advice about the coverage's that you need to keep you, your family and your home protected.  You may also qualify for special savings, so let's take a look.  Contact me, Jim Degan and let's look at your home coverage!

Older Homes
​So you found the perfect home, but it's an older home with character and the style you were looking for.  Or you bought your home when it was new many years ago.  At Degan Insurance Group we are able to provide insight for owners of older homes.In addition to regular maintenance and renovation, your older home also deserves the protection and preservation that homeowners insurance can provide.  We can help you design a package with coverage that is right for your home and your lifestyle.  When you update, modernize or remodel be sure to keep us informed because that could mean that there are changes that need to be made in your coverage.  As your home changes, so will your insurance needs.Let's Work Together to provide you the best coverage possible.  Contact Degan Insurance Group and let's take a walk around your older home and get you the proper coverage.

Personal Belongings/Content Coverage
From the time we are little we have collected things and as the years have passed, we find new things to treasure.  Photographs, Paintings, Furniture, Family heirlooms, whatever you hold dear to you, your possessions need to be covered as well.  But be certain your valued possessions are fully covered against fire, theft, and other perils, so take that extra step. Have you done an inventory of your possession lately?  You will certainly be surprised in today's market what it would cost for your to replace even your basic belongings.  At Degan Insurance Agency we can guide you through taking inventory and photographs of your belongings and getting it properly insured.

​At Degan Insurance we work hard as an Independent Agent to keep your protection in-sync with your life.  The better we know you, the more we can do for you.  So when we sit down to discuss your Automobile Insurance we may find that you can qualify for discounts like:
Being a safer driver
You elect to drive a "safe car" with seat belts, air bags, anti-theft devices
You insure both you home and automobile at the same place
Maybe you have a good student

​Your piece of mind is our top priority when we craft an automobile policy that provides the coverage that you want and need.  You have extraordinary coverage choices for your special concerns and these coverages are:

Collision Coverage - this pay for damage to your car if you hit another car or an object​
Comprehensive Coverage - if your car is stolen or damaged by causes other than collision, such as fire, theft or vandalism​
Liability Insurance - to protect you from costs related to bodily injury or property damage, if you are responsible for an accident
Medical Payments - covering payments for medical services for you, your family or you passengers if you are hurt in a car accident or possibly as a pedestrian
Uninsured or Underinsured Motorists - to pay for damages caused by a driver with inadequate or no insurance at all

Extra options are available for additional coverage on our Automobile Insurance, they are:
Extended Transportation Expenses - to help pay for rentals
​Towing and Labor Charges
Auto Loan and Lease Protection - to help pay your outstanding balance if your vehicle is destroyed
​Deductible Options - A higher deductible may lower your premium

​At Degan we will go through everything with you so you know you have the right coverage for your individual needs.  Please contact us today to sit down and start saving money on your Insurance.